CranioSacral Therapy for Babies and Children

CranioSacral Therapy for BabiesCranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, safe, and effective hands-on therapy for people of all ages, and can be particularly helpful for newborns and small children. CST can be used as a diagnostic tool, or as corrective or preventive therapy.

For newborns, a CranioSacral Therapy session can minimize or eliminate the repercussions of a difficult birth, while helping to ensure good structural balance and health throughout childhood and later life. Ideally, all newborns should receive a CranioSacral Therapy evaluation soon after birth to determine whether further treatment is necessary. CST treatment throughout childhood can be highly beneficial and help children adapt to the process of growing up.

Perhaps most importantly, CranioSacral Therapy treatment aids the immune system and sets the stage for the body to heal itself. In children, imbalances and restrictions can generally be corrected quickly. If left untreated into adulthood, the same imbalances can cause pain and dysfunction and will likely take far more time and effort to correct.

Among childhood ailments/diseases which may be helped with CST are:
  • Colic
  • Breastfeeding problems
  • Excessive Crying
  • Reflux
  • Torticollis
  • Plagiocephaly (Asymmetrical head)
  • Developmental delays
  • Ear infections
  • Learning disabilities
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Autism & Autism Spectrum
  • Neurological conditions
  • Chronic pain, and more.

*Please note, Rosemary offers a complimentary 15 minutes newborn evaluation to any of her patients who are new parents.

Craniosacral Therapy For The Newborn

If a baby is unable or unwilling to nurse property, the cause could include birth injuries, or congenital or neurological problems. This is especially likely in the case of a very fast birth, a cesarean birth, or a case where a vacuum extractor or forceps are needed. In some cases, even a normal birth can cause trauma to the baby’s head and spine.

Traumatic events during the birth can result in excess pressure on the cranial nerves, particularly those that control the jaw/ tongue/mouth. Compression of these cranial nerves (glossopharyngeal, vagus and hypoglossal) can cause nursing difficulties with babies unable to open their mouths widely enough to latch effectively, which can in turn cause pain to the mother by clamping onto the nipple. CST targets the root cause by gently relieving pressure on the infant’s nerves and reducing tension and discomfort.

CST can also be beneficial for babies who are hypertonic with the classic arching posture. This may be a sign of difficulties with the nervous system, possibly caused by pressure on the nerves that occurred during the birth. CST is often dramatically effective in reducing hypertonic behavior and correcting imbalances that could lead to serious health problems in later life.

Babies’ skulls are designed to mold during delivery, enabling them to pass through the birth canal. Typically babies skulls do correct themselves after the birth, although many benefit from assistance in achieving a well-balanced cranial shape. A CST practitioner will gently examine the baby’s head for overlapping cranial sutures, asymmetry, and suture irregularities, as well as performing a whole body assessment to locate other imbalances. The very gentle techniques (under 5 grams of pressure) used in CST will encourage the body to correct itself. CST practitioners with experience in pediatrics work in collaboration with Lactation Consultants, Midwives, Doulas, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Dentists, Medical Doctors, and other professionals.

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