What is CranioSacral Therapy?
Releasing pain and stress at its source
- A gentle, light-touch approach that releases tensions in the central nervous system to allow every other system in the body to relax and self-correct.
- An effective treatment approach for chronic pain patterns, as well as for neurological and traumatic injuries
- Recommended for all ages from the newborn to the elderly
- Performed fully clothed on a comfortable massage table during a one-hour session
- Optimizes levels of vitality and well-being
- Covered by most extended healthcare plans
What is a CranioSacral Therapy session like?
During a one-hour session, you lie on a comfortable massage table fully clothed (loose clothing preferable). The touch is often times no more than the weight of a nickel. And more than likely, you’ll just drift off into a nice, pleasant, relaxing state.
Many people experience a very deep sense of relaxation as CST soothes the Central Nervous System. You can experience new mind-body insights and gentle physical or emotional releases. Some people may even fall asleep. Time is taken at the end of your session to discuss observations, insights and to answer any questions you may have.
More on CranioSacral Therapy…
CranioSacral Therapy is an Osteopathic technique that originated over 100 years ago. The basic osteopathic principle of CST is that the body is interconnected through a fascial system which has a constant and subtle movement. The movement occurs in response to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fluctuation, especially noticeable at the cranium (head) and sacrum (bottom of spine).
The CST practitioner uses their hands to finely discriminate the subtle movements of the body and detect disturbances in the fascial system, treating areas of dysfunction anywhere in the body. CST treatment is aimed at restoring full CST movement patterns and releasing abnormal tensions within the body.
Especially beneficial in the treatment of:
- Headaches/Migraines
- Head, Neck, Back and Jaw Pain
- Tinnitus
- Sciatica and other Nerve Disorders
- Traumatic birth
- Breastfeeding problems in the Newborn